Sunday, June 30, 2013

Indianapolis: No 90+ Temperatures This Year...Yet

No 90+ temperatures for Indianapolis this year, through the end of June. The other years that has happened (since 1897):

1903, 1904, 1909, 1912, 1915, 1916, 1928, 1938, 1955, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1974, 1979, 1982, 1990, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006

Date of the first 90+ temperature for all of the years listed:

July 1, 1903
July 1, 1909

July 2, 1916
July 2, 1974
July 2, 1997
July 2, 2006

July 3, 1928
July 3, 1955
July 3, 1993
July 3, 2003

July 4, 1958
July 4, 1990

July 5, 1982

July 7, 1938

July 13, 1915

July 15, 1912

July 16, 1904

July 30, 1961

August 6, 1979

August 9, 2000

September 1, 1960

None - 2004

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Indianapolis: First 90º Temperatures

Dates of the first 90º temperature for Indianapolis, since 1980. June is the typical month for the first such occurrence. 2013 has yet to record a 90º temperature at IND, but that should be ending soon. Pretty much half of the years (16 of 33) below had their first 90º of the year before June 15.

2013: ?
2012: May 26
2011: May 30
2010: June 11
2009: June 19
2008: June 8
2007: June 7
2006: July 2
2005: June 5
2004: No 90º days
2003: July 3
2002: June 4
2001: June 14
2000: August 9
1999: June 8
1998: June 24
1997: July 2
1996: June 28
1995: June 18
1994: May 23
1993: July 3
1992: June 17
1991: June 2
1990: July 4
1989: June 23
1988: May 31
1987: May 29
1986: June 20
1985: May 31
1984: June 12
1983: June 23
1982: July 5
1981: June 14
1980: June 26

Earliest: May 23, 1994
Latest: August 9, 2000 (2004 had no 90º days)

May: 6 times
June: 19 times
July: 6 times
August: 1 time